Don’t take that tone with me! Why the way you speak to me matters.
I bet, when you’re writing your presentation, you think about what you want to say. Perhaps you carefully craft your message, you plan your key points, and I’d like to think you even rehearse it out loud to ensure everything flows smoothly. But here’s a question: do...
Fake it ’til you make it? Or are you hiding something?
“Fake it 'til you make it” is a phrase we’ve all heard at some point. It promises that pretending to have confidence or expertise can help us eventually embody those qualities. But in a world where authenticity is prized, is this approach outdated, or even harmful?...
Stop Reading Your Presentations!
I get it: you don’t want to forget your words, so you script your presentation…and then you read from that script. Or maybe you think you’re not doing that because your presentation is a series of Powerpoint slides…which you then read to your audience. .Reading from a...
Do you sound too defensive?
The tone of your voice can have a huge impact on how your message is received. A defensive tone of voice often leads to misunderstandings, conflict, and strained relationships. You can come across as prickly, and unapproachable. Understanding what a defensive tone is,...
Facing the Fear: Can a Lifelong Fear of Public Speaking Be Cured?
For a lot of us, the thought of getting up and speaking in front of people is akin to facing a dragon – a daunting challenge that triggers anxiety and fear. If you find yourself trembling and feeling sick at the very thought of talking in a room full (or even...
Ten reasons you should be investing in your team’s presentation skills.
Are you a good leader? Do you invest in your team? Grow their skills - develop their capabilities both as individuals and as a group? When members of your team come together to give a presentation, there are pitfalls. They're working on their own sections; their...
What are you not saying? How to reinforce your message with your non-verbal communication.
Words are powerful. But truly effective communication is about more than the words we speak. Our gestures and body language play a crucial role in conveying emotions, emphasising points, and connecting with our audience during a presentation. Just as a picture is...
But I’m not extrovert. Can I still be a brilliant public speaker?
We all know those speakers: they’re captivating; they have us hanging on their every word as they effortlessly command the stage.We’re envious of their ability to engage the audience, convey their message with conviction, and leave a lasting impact. It's easy to...
Are you stuck in the Speaking Cycle of Fear?
A couple of days ago, my friend Sarah messaged me for some advice. In her new role, she has been asked to present to the board. Her exact words were: “I’m really hoping I get hit by a bus or something so I don’t have to go”. And she wasn’t joking. Sarah isn’t alone in...
It’s not about you! Shift the focus of your presentation for the win.
A lot of people start their presentation with the wrong idea. They go out there thinking about how they can sound like the authority on something – how they can elevate themselves and sound brilliant. Public speaking has this aura of “ego” around it that is, in my...
How can you stop umming and aahing so much?
I was recently interviewed, for a Podcast, about public speaking – general advice on how to engage; how to feel confident; and so on. The interviewer, Andy, commented that I didn’t seem to “um and ah” very much, and, on listening back to the recording, a realised he’s...
Buzzword Bingo: how to make your job of persuading so much easier!
When we are trying to persuade someone of something – to buy in to our idea or our product; to give us a job; to sign up as a client – we need to get them to trust us. We need them to understand that we want the same things: you want them to know that they can trust...