First Impressions online

First Impressions online

Although we’re going back to the office, a lot of our communication will still be done via video conferencing. So, knowing how to make a good impression in the online world is as important as for face-to-face meetings. We’re all so used to video calls that we may be...

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How to Avoid “Death by PowerPoint”

How to Avoid “Death by PowerPoint”

PowerPoint is a funny old thing. We seem to love it and hate it in equal measure. Our heart sinks when the presenter opens their first slide, and yet, the first thing we do when we have to start writing our own presentation…yep, we go straight to PowerPoint. But the...

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Where do I look while I’m speaking?

Where do I look while I’m speaking?

Since publishing my recent blog, “But what do I do with my hands”, I’ve been asked for advice about eye contact. A lot of us struggle with this in day to day communication, let alone when standing up and talking to people in a professional capacity. But eye contact is...

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But what do I do with my hands?

But what do I do with my hands?

This is one of the most common questions I’m asked. Many of us use our hands when we’re talking, but the minute we enter “presentation mode” we seem to shut down this part of our communication. We feel uncomfortable and unnatural, and our arms become these useless...

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Ten reasons they’re more confident than you.

Ten reasons they’re more confident than you.

Most people feel a degree of fear when asked to speak in front of an audience. It’s about vulnerability: we want the approval of our peers, and when there’s a risk of going wrong, we get scared. Simple. Having helped many people prepare for a presentation, here’s what...

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How do you start your presentation with impact?

How do you start your presentation with impact?

How many presentations have you watched that start with “Hello, my name is ….and today I’m going to talk to you about…..”. Often delivered in a monotone and accompanied with some throat-clearing, fidgeting, and some ums and ahs for good measure. You have a matter of...

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Returning to Work After a Career Break

Returning to Work After a Career Break

A lot of us haven’t had an interview for years. There are different reasons for this (maybe we’ve stayed in a job we love; or been stuck in a role we couldn’t progress from), but often it’s because we’ve taken a career break. Whatever the reason for taking time away...

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Take your presentations up a gear

Take your presentations up a gear

You may feel like you know what you’re doing when it comes to presenting. You’ve done it for years; you’ve progressed in your career; you’re confident that you’re ticking the boxes. But….. what if you were even better? What if you became known for your speaking? What...

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Presentations: Get Back in the Room!

Presentations: Get Back in the Room!

It feels very different giving a presentation to real-life people who are physically in front of you, after so many months of delivering online. Here are my tips to help you readjust and celebrate being back in the room: Nerves are normal We have spent so long shut...

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Dealing with Interview Rejection

Dealing with Interview Rejection

By the time they get to me, a lot of my clients have experienced a number of rejections. Their confidence has taking a battering and they’re feeling inadequate and, often, hopeless. As a former actress, I know all about rejection. You turn up to an audition, wait with...

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How to get people to listen

How to get people to listen

“Tell me a fact and I’ll listen. Tell me a truth and I’ll learn. But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.” I love this Native American saying. It makes me think of my days working for a theatre company, touring schools with historical drama workshops....

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