The Best Leaders Keep it Real
Leaders walk a fine line. They have to lead from the front, but still be ‘one of us’. They must drive innovation and change, whilst ensuring people are willing to go with them. Leaders need to be dynamic, inspiring and exciting, and they need to be all of those things...
How to deal with your Imposter Syndrome
noun: imposter syndrome The persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills. People suffering from impostor syndrome may be at increased risk of anxiety. As a frequent sufferer...
The Power of a Story
Are you sitting comfortably? Then we’ll begin. There’s nothing better than settling down to listen to a really good story, is there? Whether it’s getting stuck in to the latest John Grisham, or binge watching the new series of Marcella, we all love being taken on a...
How to help your child become a brilliant public speaker
If you’re a parent, the chances are you spent time reading to your children when they were young. They will have loved hearing the same stories over and over again, enjoying the voices you put on for the characters and joining in when they knew the words. As they get...
Your audience is not the enemy!
Getting up in front of people can be scary, right? You’re putting yourself out there and saying, “hey, listen to me. Give me your time. I think what I’ve got to say is worth hearing”. But what if my audience doesn’t agree? What if they judge my idea to be pointless?...
How presentation training will further your career
In my “Five Tips for Beating those Nerves” blog, I talked about Rob, one of my clients who told me this: “Going in to the meeting, my manager asked if I would wrap up the session with a few words at the end, to sum up our discussion points. My stomach dropped, and I...
Five Tips for Beating those Nerves!
One of my clients, Rob, described the most recent public speaking experience he’d had before he met me: “Going in to the meeting, my manager asked if I would wrap up the session with a few words at the end, to sum up our discussion points. My stomach dropped, and I...