Are you stuck in the Speaking Cycle of Fear?

Are you stuck in the Speaking Cycle of Fear?

A couple of days ago, my friend Sarah messaged me for some advice. In her new role, she has been asked to present to the board. Her exact words were: “I’m really hoping I get hit by a bus or something so I don’t have to go”. And she wasn’t joking. Sarah isn’t alone in...
How can you stop umming and aahing so much?

How can you stop umming and aahing so much?

I was recently interviewed, for a Podcast, about public speaking – general advice on how to engage; how to feel confident; and so on. The interviewer, Andy, commented that I didn’t seem to “um and ah” very much, and, on listening back to the recording, a realised he’s...
Buzzword Bingo: how to make your job of persuading so much easier!

Buzzword Bingo: how to make your job of persuading so much easier!

When we are trying to persuade someone of something – to buy in to our idea or our product; to give us a job; to sign up as a client – we need to get them to trust us. We need them to understand that we want the same things: you want them to know that they can trust...
How not to fret that you’re going to forget!

How not to fret that you’re going to forget!

Lots of people worry that they are going to forget their words when they’re giving a speech or presentation. And it’s a valid fear: when we’re nervous, we often experience the terror of our mind going blank (I still have anxiety dreams about this from my acting days)....
Mindset Matters: Choose Love!

Mindset Matters: Choose Love!

With three children in the house, there’s normally someone having a meltdown. Quite often, me! But last night was my daughter’s turn. She couldn’t find her school iPad in her bag. Within five seconds she was crying – completely catastrophising the situation: “I...