Leading your Virtual Team Meetings

Leading your Virtual Team Meetings

We all know the deal: second wave…social distancing…WFH for the foreseeable…As a team leader, your job is now a whole lot harder, especially when it comes to facilitating your team meetings. We’ve all taken for granted those casual conversations in the lift; the...
Learn from watching others: Jacinda Ardern

Learn from watching others: Jacinda Ardern

The Prime Minister of New Zealand has received much praise for her handling of the Covid crisis. Regardless of whether we agree with her policies, we can learn a lot about leadership from a woman who is a very effective communicator, both formally and informally....
Learn from watching others: Donald Trump

Learn from watching others: Donald Trump

What’s your most recent Google search? I’ll tell you mine: “Does Donald Trump have a public speaking coach?”. (I can’t find any evidence of one. This may or may not surprise you). This week, he gave his first Coronavirus briefing since March, when he famously...
Don’t forget your Zoom rules!

Don’t forget your Zoom rules!

Now we’re on day 27915 of lockdown, we’re into our stride. We feel we’ll never need to go back to the office; online conferencing is where it’s at. The problem is that the more used we get to something, the more casual we tend to get. I’m noticing standards are...
Why empathy is important – and how to achieve it.

Why empathy is important – and how to achieve it.

Why is empathy so important in your presentations? Because you need people to trust you. If you want people to buy in to what you’re saying, they need to believe that you understand them and that you have their interests at heart. In short, they need to know you’re on...
How to be Brilliant at Video Presenting

How to be Brilliant at Video Presenting

One day this Corona-crisis will end. But it has changed the way we work, forever. Conference rooms and lecture theatres are empty. But businesses and educational settings are realising that, actually, online communication is effective. Systems have coped. The world...